About Us
About Us
We Are Leading manufactured, suppliers of wide range of Filtration equipment.
Infinity Industries is the one of the manufactured, suppliers of wide range of Filtration equipment Since 2012. We delivered the standard and customized Filter presses incorporate designs developed through decade of years experience to provide superior,reliability,durability and easy to use.
Our Vision
Our Vision( Infinity Industries) is straight and at par level and we always provides best quality product in market and also must to 1st position in Filtration Equipment .
Our Mission
Our Mission is to assist our customers in achieving their goals. We help them achieve the highest levels of production, accuracy, quality , R &D Departments and efficiency possible. We create and manufacture high quality, energy-efficient . These are affordable and suitable for a wide range of applications.
Our Values
Infinity Industries offers a wide range of water pumping solutions, as well as a wide range of items to pick from to satisfy your individual functional and financial requirements. We manufacture, design, support, and maintain the product locally to assure high service standards. As a result, we can provide you measurable cost and time savings.
We Are Leading Manufactured, Suppliers Of Wide Range Of Filtration Equipment.
Infinity Industries is the one of the manufactured, suppliers of wide range of Filtration equipment. We delivered the standard and customized Filter presses incorporate designs developed through decade of years experience to provide superior,reliability,durability and easy to use.

Trust and Worth

Total Years Of Experience
Satisfaction Guarantee
Successfully Project
Product Availability
Committed To Keep People Healthy & Safe
Infinity Industries Range of Filter Press Plates
are standard and custom designed
manufactured to help you to achieve highest
performance in Filter presses.
We Follow Best Practices
Infinity Industries is the one of the manufactured, suppliers of wide range of Filtration equipment.
- Sustainablility
- Project On Time
- Modern Technology
- Latest Designs